Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cardiologist appointment

I finally had my appointment with the cardiologist. It was not a very fun visit. First they had to take an ultrasound of my heart. I had to lay in two positions, on my back and on my left side. Laying on my left side they have a part of the bed where it opens to get access to the left side of my chest. now being five months pregnant it was not very fun trying to hold up my torso while they did this. During this I was wearing an EKG monitor. I had tons of little probes all over my upper chest. The next test was the fun one... NOT. I had to walk on a treadmill. They needed to record my heart at 180 beats per min. It took about 20 min for my heart to get there. i was practically running at this point on a climb. It was horrible i felt sick and light headed. the sIecond hit 180 I had to get off. they told me to quickly lay back down on my left side so they could look at my heart again. It was not fun at all. I started getting hot flashes and a headache. After all this the doctor looked at my results and determined that I had no palpation's, no extra heart beats and no rhythmic problems. He concluded that I just have an excessively high heart rate due to all the changes my body is going through with the pregnancy. He told me to keep things slow, rest a lot and drink a lot.

The conclusion is I might have to quit my job. I need to do a lot of things at work that require a lot of my energy. The past month i haven't been able to do so. I feel I'm letting down my boss by not doing my job at the full extent that I need to. So I go and have a meeting with him tomorrow to figure out what we can do.

The upside of all of this mess is that my heart is just fine and I need not to worry. Yeah!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

High heart rate!

So I've had a high heart rate all day. I know your heart rate rises in your second trimester but 120 and 140 is a little high, actually its scary high.

I called my Cardiologist today to let him know but since i haven't actually been seen by him there's not much he can do. So they put me on the cancellation list for the week.

I'm really worried about it so I'm going in to see Dr. Ponder tomorrow morning to see if she has anything to add to it. I still have my Event Monitor on so I've been recording my heart all day and sending them in. I should know i a day or two if the readings have anything serious on them.

I just get to play the waiting game now... not fun. :(

Other then all my heart problems the baby seams to be doing good. She moves all the time so I'm not too concerned about it but I'll have to see what Dr. Ponder thinks tomorrow.