Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 4

So its been 4 days going with out Vern. I actually slept all night last night. It was amazing. Today I had a few errands to do for Vern. I went to see Vern's computer supplier. I needed to get some Ram for Ben and see if they had any for Corey's laptop as well. I wasn't able to find any for Corey but I was lucky to get one for Ben. It didn't work though, that was a bummer. Anyway on my way home I was getting off the freeway and stopped at the red light. It had turned yellow so i started to slow down. This guy behind me honked. So the light turns green and I start to push on the gas. Now I'm in a big truck so it takes a few seconds to get going. The guy behind me starts honking frantically, so i keep it slow just to piss him off. get to the speed limit and just hold my ground. He cruses next to me and points at me. Had an angry face and all. Well he sticks to me. followed me all the way down 5600 w. I pull into Wendy's. he zooms into Carls Junior and comes around to the parking lot where i was. This is when i got scared. I call Vern and he calls Wes, no answer. He calls Summers boyfriend Anthony. Anthony tells him to have me come to his house. Anthony is so small kid. hes 2 bucks plus and 6 something feet. A big kid and very intimidating. On my way to his house I loose the guy. In the mean time I'm scared as shit. Took me a while to finally calm down. Lets just say some people are crazy! Going to go out and get me some Wasp Spray for the tuck. It reaches those ass holes that are further away. Already got the pepper spray with tear gas in my purse. 56 more days and counting! I really miss Vern.

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