Thursday, April 5, 2012

Vern's Update

It's been quite a while since I have made a post so as I sit here with nothing to do I figured now is as good time as any to write it all down.

      Shortly after Vern went back to North Dakota in September of last year he was caught in an altercation with a few drunk guys that stay in the same hotel.  With out going into too much detail a fight broke out and Vern was left to defend himself along side his roommate and brother. When Vern stumbled back after being hit in the face he rolled his ankle and broke the anterior fibula of his ankle, It was not a clean break. His brother and roommate took him to the hospital after they got the guys to back down. The hospital up there was not a very helpful place. They took x-rays and determined it was broken then sent him on his way with no pain meds. Vern had to suffer over the weekend until he was able to fly out the following Tuesday. I had already scheduled a Dr apt. for that day and took him straight there. The Dr confirmed the break and suggested he try a few exercises before he decided to do surgery. After that didn't work he scheduled Vern to have surgery on Sept 26th. The surgery went very well. The Dr determined that the reason the bones didn't go back together was a piece of protective layering that our bones have had wedged in-between the break. The Dr. placed one plate and six screws to hold the bone together. He does not need to take them out at any time but he did mention that skinny adults usually with become irritated and have them removed. After a month of no weight barring they put a cast on then for a month it was gradual weight barring then onto a boot with physical therapy. Vern was back to work at the end of December. Vern however did not go back up to ND. Instead he went to work for his fathers company Pure Energy over in Wyoming. Vern is classified as a Fraq Flow Back Operator. He has a set schedule of 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. The benefits and advancement opportunities are much better. A few weeks ago we were able to buy a brand new Dodge Cummins for Vern. He loves it and It helps out tremendously at his new job. As for the beloved Tacoma we traded it in for the Dodge.

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